Digital Flyers came to us at Prime Digital Academy with a request to look over their site, conduct interviews with users, and use the information gathered to create a concept based on the wants of the users in order to maximize site visibility.



  • Cognitive Walkthrough

  • User Research

  • Affinity Diagramming

  • Information Architecture


Cognitive Walkthrough

To begin, we needed to gain a better understanding of the Digital Flyers website. To do this, each member of my team performed a cognitive walkthrough of key tasks provided by the company. As Digital Flyers caters to both primary users in the form of business owners and promoters, as well as end-users who attend events or support businesses, their website works is multifaceted to accommodate both demographics. We broke up the key tasks between the four of us and went through the site making notes of what may or may not have worked. Afterward, we each added pain points to an Affinity Diagram.


After making notes of things that the site may be missing, the next step was to hear from one of the site’s intended demographic, an event promoter. This was a new experience but allowed us to delve deeper into who the user was, how they prefer to promote their business/events, and their specific reasons for using the Digital Flyers.

Contextual Inquiry

Findings and Prototyping Plan

After conducting the user interviews, and our walkthroughs, the next step was determining what I would focus on in my redesign. In the image to the right, I had 3 statements based on the activities above.

Of the 3, I decided to go with User Story #2: As an event promoter, I want to have more visibility and control over where my events are being promoted(digitally or hard copies(printed)), to adjust where the flyers are being distributed or shown to the specifically targeted clientele.

 Prototype Plan and Interactive Prototype

Event Flyer Dashboard

In redesigning this page, I recognized that not much needed to be changed on this page, from the perspective of a business owner/promoter. The one change I made was adding an Advanced option, to take the user to the next screen.

Advanced Promotion

This page was created to give Primary site users the ability to control how and where they would like their event or business and the method of distribution. This feature allows the promoter to determine the preferred demographic for an individual event.

I also included a drop-down menu to add an option to choose the distribution format preferred. Whether it’s the digital format that Digital Flyers is known for, or printed flyers for promoters that prefer a more face-to-face method of promoting.

Confirmation page

In my research, both in my contextual inquiry and my own user research, what stood out to me the most was the lack of confirmation pop-ups when an action or request has been completed.

I created this page because, as a user, the best feeling after inputting all of the necessary information and clicking submit or publish, is when you receive confirmation of receipt from the business.

After creating the prototypes completely in Figma, I recorded a virtual tour of the site, along with instructions on how to use the new features.

I created the prototypes to show my appreciation for the company as well as help Digital Flyers get more exposure because, as a Black soon-to-be designer, having a business that I both can feel comfortable with and get promotional assistance that takes the stress off of me, is something I want to continue to help flourish.

 Client Presentation