Proposing a system of touchpoints

Imagine Deliver is a consulting firm that works with their clients on structural changes within their organizations and businesses. Imagine Deliver was looking for help with a multi touchpoint strategy with the goal of becoming thought leaders in the consultancy space and landing clients with larger contracts.

Imagine Deliver


Our touchpoint strategy focused on four phases that we imagine happen before on-boarding a new client. Throughout these stages, we are focusing on content consistency and hierarchy and ensuring clear and redundant messaging


Imagine Deliver reached out for help designing a multi-touchpoint strategy with the goal of becoming thought leaders in the consultancy space and landing clients with seven-figure contracts.



Stakeholder Interview

Deep Dive Synthesis

Touchpoint Strategy map

Touchpoint prototyping


Deep Dive Research

Guiding Strategy Statement

Touchpoint Strategy Map

Touchpoint Prototypes

Client Presentation Video




In order to learn more about the space, we would be working in, my team and I broke apart to complete a competitive audit, content inventory, and a deep dive into Imagine Deliver’s digital platforms. We pooled this information into an affinity diagram to find common themes.

 Affinity Diagram

Touchpoint Strategy Map

The process to map out the different touchpoints began by using insights identified during the deep dive debrief. The team arrived at a guiding statement that highlighted user experience touchpoints for Imagine Deliver. Those touchpoints would help Imagine Deliver users with the capacity to make a change to feel confidently empowered so that they are able to make structural changes. Our team would focus on clearly articulating what Imagine Deliver had to offer and the optimal hierarchy of information across their platforms by developing consistent thought-provoking content.

 I designed rapid prototypes and wireframes in response to strategy mapping and the information gained during research. A Podcast was one of the ways we determined users could both discover what our client, Imagine Deliver does, and get a taste of how they can benefit if they started a partnership with Imagine Deliver.

Touchpoint Prototyping

 Annotated Prototypes

 Client Presentation


 Imagine Deliver wants to grow its platform and become a national thought leader in the space of systems redesign. It was such a pleasure working with Imagine deliver as a client and being able to contribute to the work that they do. The touchpoint prototypes would create more opportunities for meaningful, deep, and new connections between users and Imagine Deliver while continuing to inspire others to act boldly and think creatively.